Signs That Your Body NEEDS Reflexology Therapy

 ► stressed out
 ► headaches/migraines
 ► muscle pain/tension
 ► feeling blue/depression
 ► anxious/anxiety
 ► not sleeping
 ► skin issues
 ► stress alopecia
 ► psoriasis
 ► digestive issues
 ► auto-immune disease
 ► hormonal issues
 ► cancer patient
 ► edema/lymphedema/lipodema

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Each treatment is tailored to the individual person.  Shorter therapy sessions are provided for children, those infirmed, receiving aggressive medical treatments, and the elderly. Reflexology is NOT a massage or simple foot rub, but a specialized modality gently working the reflexes of all body systems.  Most clients find reflexology sessions be very relaxing.

Upon resolution of the initial health complaints, many clients find it beneficial to continue with regular therapy sessions in order to maintain health and well-being.

With ever increasing levels of stress, it is important people take more responsibility for their own health care needs. Reflexology helps the body cope with ongoing stressors on a physical, mental and emotional level, thereby encouraging healing and maintaining health in all areas of life.

Many doctors, consultants and other health care professionals recognize reflexology as a well established, respected and effective therapy.

**My therapies are NOT intended as a substitute for any medical treatment nor a substitute for professional medical advice.

© Copyright reflexologybyliane